A Family Message Board

by domonique on February 17, 2014 · 3 comments

in design and style, food and drink, motherhood, travel and family

Family Message Board

Just updated our message board again recently and thought you may like to take another look at it.  I first wrote about it in a series on heading Back to School in 2012.  This is a favorite part of our kitchen.  The chalkboard always has a positive quote and our afternoon helpers chart.  These are jobs that the kids can do easily themselves that help so much.  They are little tasks, but tremendous help when I’m doing the make dinner/help with homework dance each evening.  They are asked to help mom each afternoon/evening in these little ways.  These jobs are not tied to allowance or earning anything.  The message here is more of Family = Cooperation, we all help out to make it work.

positive quotes

The positive quote changes from time to time (depending on when I remember to change it up!)  These quotes come from this book, songs, something I heard at church, or just about anything that’s on my mind.  The kids love to see when a new one has been put up.  This board is right next to our kitchen table so it also provides a lot of great conversations at meal time.

chores for kids

Since we have 3 kids, I’ve created 6 jobs, 2 each.  Each one of them is able to do any of these jobs, even my 4 year old.  (Number 3s are always the most resourceful!)  If she has ‘check the mail’ she grabs a backpack and her step stool to take with her so she can reach the mailbox, fill the bag with the mail and bring it all back in the house.

chores for kids

“Setting the Table” and “Pour the Drinks” explain themselves, everyone clears their owns dishes, but the “Clear the Table” helper removes any last glasses or napkins, wipes the table clean and pushes in all the chairs.  I love this one!  “Feed the Bunnies” requires them to fill the hay and water.  And our newest job (since we lost our sweet doggie last fall) is to “Help Mom with Dinner.”  This could be anything from putting cut veggies on a plate to shredding cheese for pasta to passing out the dinner plates.  They actually really like this one, even my 10 year son who detests most anything to do with baking or cooking!

weekly menu

I added this new component to the board recently.  Math facts as a reminder for each of them if they need something to do while waiting for dinner.  And the big hit, The Weekly Menu.  Well, at least I commit to 4 days a week. My people love this.  Not sure exactly what it is, but they love knowing ahead of time what is coming up. My picky eaters have actually been more interested in eating since putting this one the message board.  What ever the reason, I’ll take it!

I hope this helps or inspires you and your family in some way.  It sure has ours.

You may also like this one about bulletin boards or this post about vitamins + kids.

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1 stacy March 19, 2014 at 6:04 am

Oh won Donomique, this isn’t just gorgeous but it’s functional to. I love it!

2 stacy March 19, 2014 at 6:04 am

hehe, that was supposed to say Wow

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