Happy Earth Day People! Loving this warm summer-like weather we’ve been having. Makes me think of my new favorite – yellow! My draw towards the color yellow has become stronger and stronger these past months. I’ve never really considered myself someone that particularly likes the color yellow. I suppose that is changing. The photo above screams happy, warm, vacation to me. Someone is bound to bring me a refreshing drink sitting under a yellow umbrella, right? Well, my love for yellow all started early Spring 2012 with this necklace
Cheerfully Charmed was selling these fun Bubble Necklaces is lots of colors at a fraction of the cost of the jcrew versions. I picked up this yellow one last spring, it quickly became part of my spring/summer uniform. Yellow was making it’s way into my home as well. I added a couple of yellow throw pillows to our family room, a vase from target in our living room, and this yellow chevron shower curtain to the kids’ bathroom. Confirmed lover of yellow.
Seems I’m not the only one pinning yellow interiors like a crazy woman on Pinterest these days.
Interiors aren’t the only place yellow is shining, style has taken on yellow too. From dresses to shoes, yellow is glistening like the sun.
Yellow is such vibrant color. The color of lemons and flowers and sunshine. It can’t help but brighten your spirit. In January, I bought a puffer jacket in bright yellow for that very reason, to brighten my gray winter days, yes, even in California we have gray winter days. And come summertime I’ll be making some of these margarita pops too.