Yesterday was the 1st day back to school for my bigs. Can’t believe they are already in 2nd + 4th grade. Little M doesn’t start preschool until after Labor Day this year, she can hardly wait!
13 links for your weekend from across the web all with Back to School in mind.
don’t you just love a fresh set of colored pencils?
how to eliminate homework battles?
4 after school snacks your kids will love
leakproof water bottles, thank you!
a favorite backpack NOT from land’s end
do your kids have their own desks or is homework done in the kitchen?
getting your kids to eat the rainbow in their lunch boxes
the sweetest little girl dress
what’s your thought on 1st day teacher gifts? yay or nay?
3 family routines I couldn’t live without.
1st day of school treats for kids
the most hip jacket for boys this fall
Have a lovely weekend!