This weekend we celebrated my oldest’s birthday. He was born on Labor Day 11 years ago. Something happens to me each year as he reaches another birthday milestone. I get incredibly nostalgic and even a little edgy. I attribute this to him being my first born. I don’t feel this way as my younger two have birthdays. I believe it’s the result of his birthday by virtue of been born first, also the birth of me as a mother. The sentimentality emerges within me increasingly as the day approaches. I think back to many days (and nights!) when it was exclusively us, him and I. How he transformed me from woman to mother in a single moment the day he was born. So today, as my son turns 11, I not only celebrate the birth of my first born, but the onset of my life as a mother. I share with you a birthday letter as I have done before. I hope it strikes a cord with mothers everywhere. The endless unconditional love your have for your children and the unequivocal pride you have watching them grow.
Dear love,
It’s your 11th birthday. I can hardly believe where time has gone. I remember so vividly the moment we met. The sweetest little baby you ever did meet. And now, now you are becoming quite a young man. A friend of mine that you don’t know recently shared with me a story as told to her by her son. She explained how her son, a younger boy at school, was grateful for you and your kindness to him. Kindness. Your teacher, having just recently met you, described to me how much he enjoys having you in class and sees what a compassionate and helpful friend you are. Compassionate. A new coach told your dad he could tell you were determined by the questions you ask and your love of the game. Determination + Loyalty. You are compassionate, understanding, smart, fun and funny, loyal and self-disciplined. These characteristics are the foundation of life my love and what is shaping you into the amazing young man you are becoming.
Keep being you, follow your heart and dream big! I could not be more proud of you. My heart is overflowing with love and pride.
Thank you for occasionally still allowing me to hold your hand and I promise to try and stop kissing you so much in public!
Happy 11th birthday from the bottom of my heart.