Whoa, I’m back from a week of really fun travel and down with a cold, ick! But between spending 4 days in NYC last week and the weather in California finally turning a little cooler, it’s beginning to feel like fall. So I made a pot of one of my favorite easy soups and took a few days off to recuperate before the weekend begins with football games, birthday parties and family time. Hope you all have a lovely November weekend. Sharing some of my current faves below. Happy Fall!
Mixing things up a bit this year with our holiday cards, love all their gorgeous products too!
To die for pasta in the West Village.
A favorite fall nail color.
What I’m currently reading.
One stop shop for so many fall sweaters.
Sweetest handmade candlesticks for your holiday table.
A well curated online shop to start off your gift giving.
Obsessed with this wallpaper!
Been dreaming of a trip to Joshua Tree this winter, anyone been recently?
Big batch cocktails to get your family drunk on Thanksgiving.
image taken at mamannyc last week.