I am the un-Halloween mom. From the costumes to the candy, to the super tacky decorations, none of it is for me. I’m not sure why I am like this, but I am. I do my best to keep it under wraps, but those that know me well, know that my heart is always on my sleeve. I finally gave in to getting cobwebs for the kids this year, even though I secretly am counting the days until November 1st so I can take them all down.
I also detest dressing up in costume. My idea of a costume is putting on my black skinnies and leather jacket and my daughter’s cat ears from halloween past and calling it a day. done. The kids, no they are the complete opposite. The tackier the decor the better if it were completely up to them.
A friend (BB) told me about a story once. While growing up, her and her siblings could not wait for the day their mom decorated the yard with all their halloween decorations. It was a big surprise in their family. Their mom *loved* doing it herself and the kids spent their days wondering which day would be the day they’d arrive home from school and see the magical haunted yard that was their home.
While all the other moms are decorating spooky graveyards, bedazzling pumpkins and dreaming up creepy halloween inspired food like dead fingers or eery jello slim, this mom is scheming ways to trash the frankensteins and glow in the dark fangs making their way into our home. And seriously, why must we chalkboard paint and ombré EVERYTHING? Thank you pinterest.
This week my littlest’s preschool was taking a trip to the pumpkin patch. Perhaps a 3 1/2 year old’s favorite outing of the year. But me, I thought, “here I go again.” I’m over it, but had to rally to save the day for this sweet little somethin’ somethin’.
The excitement is still alive and well for her. She doesn’t care that our hayride was actually just an old truck riding around a parking lot. She just wants the thrill of the jumpy house and the giant slide with all her buds dressed up in costume. She had a ball. I have to say that it was all worth it when I felt her little hand on my knee as we bounced around the truck hayride. That was a kairos moment if there ever was one. I wasn’t in the mood to Carpe the day, but I certainly remember that brief moment when her gentle chubby hand held onto my leg. Those moments are the ones I hold onto. That is when I say, kairos.
I know you are thinking what a grinch I seem like. I don’t care. I’m just waiting for November when we can all be in love with fall again.

When early morning school parades and class parties are no longer part of the mix, Halloween is much more enjoyable. But when those days are gone, they’re gone forever and before you know it you’ll be texting friends with younger kids and desperately asking for photos because maybe, just maybe, a small part of you will yearn for a more innocent time—a time when you didn’t have to go into battle with a teen over what is and is not an appropriate Halloween costume.
toucé! not looking forward to the teen battles, at all!