It’s not what you think, really, but I do love my milkman.
Yes! A Milkman still exists in 2013. My milkman, Connely, delivers milk to my doorstep every Wednesday with a smile on his face. It is such a treat. We started using Michal the Milkman in 2006 when my kids were little and our family was small. As you’ve heard me say before, I like to plan my meals and shopping trips no more than once a week. This just wasn’t happening with 2 kids and eventually another one on the way. So we started using Michal’s service + never turned back. Consequently, we’ve eliminated all late night trips to the market for milk or ever returning home from vacation with none in the fridge. It’s a simple luxury.
Michal serves much of the SF Peninsula. He can be found at
Check out your local area for a milkman near you, you won’t regret it!