Hope your week is off to a good start. I have so many ideas for posts lined up that it seems a bit of writer’s block has set in. Does that happen to any of you? Too many thoughts to know where to start so you don’t! At least my procrastination this morning has been quite productive just hasn’t resulted in much of a blog post.
By 10:30 this morning, I….
– did a load of laundry
– browsed the nytimes (loving my new e-subscription I received for Christmas this year!)
– made 5 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 ponytails
– baked 2 loaves of Banana Zucchini Bread (loosely based on this recipe from, thekitchn)
– made 3 qts. of homemade chicken stock (leftovers from Sunday night’s Perfect Roast Chicken)
– ran 5.5 miles
This is what happens to people like me that are so type-A with their expectations that they think they aren’t getting anything done when in reality I haven’t been procrastinating as much as I’ve been really productive even though few of those items were actually on my to-do list.
Actually what I want to share with you is that I have been working really hard behind the scenes here at A Bowl Full of Simple. The site is going to take on a slightly different look in the next several weeks to come. More content is coming with greater ease to navigate and some new features for 2015. Bare with me while much of my focus is on developing that aspect so that I can offer you a new refreshed version of the blog for new year!
You can help me my letting me know:
– What content do you enjoy most?
– Any topics you’d like to see covered?
– Any posts you are tired of seeing?
Thank you to all my amazing readers. A Bowl Full of Simple is now being read in 153 countries and has had nearly 140,000 views. That’s unbelievable to me and I am truly humbled. Thank you.

I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you, and for us as your readers. PS- If that’s procrastination, I could use a good case of it!