How to Slice a Mango

by domonique on August 30, 2012

in food and drink

a bowl full of simple

Why does slicing a mango seem so daunting?  Where’s the pit begin and end? How do I get nice big even pieces and not a pile of mush?  Today I’m going to show you as these were the very same questions I had.  My kids love fresh mango so much, I had to figure it out and fast.

Start by standing the mango up with the stem on the top.  Face the mango with the taller sides to your right.

a bowl full of simple

Using a large knife, I use a serrated bread knife or a chef’s knife, make one long slice straight down from the right of the stem to the bottom of the mango. 

a bowl full of simple

 Turn the mango around and do the same on the opposite side.

a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple

 You will have 2 large sections.

a bowl full of simple

For the smaller sides that remain, make a thin slice down each side.

a bowl full of simple

Now you have 4 sections.  I prefer to slice each piece with the skin on since my kids typically eat them in small chunks.  If you are dicing the mango, you can peel first.

a bowl full of simple

 a bowl full of simple

Sometimes it really is just a simple thing.  

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