It’s my husband’s birthday this week. Time for my annual Gift Guide for Guys.
Keep Gift Giving Simple – jot things down as ideas come to you throughout the year so that when the special day arrives, you are not at a total loss for ideas. Pinterest is a good place to store your online ideas as well. It’s a great organization tool. I use it for recipe storage, home decorating, wish lists and gift giving. Take a look at my Gifts Board for more ideas. Links below images: clockwise from top left.
copper cocktail shaker / small batch tonic / hudson whiskey / monogrammed muddler
custom nikes / chambray shirt / stylish golf clothes / california tee
surf book / custom calendar / max wagner print / california coasters
wood speakers / driftwood ipad dock / wood iphone 5 case / garmin watch
ps. last year’s gift guide for guys