A few months ago I wrote about Friendships at 40. It was one post that certainly received a lot of feedback. Seems women everywhere, moms especially, find making, building, deepening friendships difficult. I introduced you to a blog I follow on the topic written by Shasta Nelson creator of GirlFriendCircles.com.
I’m so excited to announce to you that Shasta has recently written a new book I cannot wait to read called Friendships Don’t Just Happen!: The Guide to Creating a Meaningful Circle of GirlFriends
due out this week!
Her book is about how to create meaningful friendships as adults—going through the 5 steps from how to meet them and eventually leading to what Shasta calls Frientimacy—Friendship Intimacy. Most of us aren’t just craving more contacts, but actual real friends. This book is written for women to better understand which of the 5 types of friends we have, which ones we need right now, and to know how to develop those friendships that matter.
In Shasta’s words, we all need to read this book:
With research showing that we are replacing half our friends every 7 years—I’d say that everyone needs my book, if not today, then in a couple of years when your friend moves away, after you start working from home, when all your friends get married, when you’re the first to have kids among your friends, in the midst of a crisis, after your divorce, or when you retire to go live near your grandkids but don’t have any friends there. There are certainly some friendships we can foster over our lifetime that will go through all our changes with us, but the truth is that we also need to become skilled and practiced at inviting new friends into our lives and developing them into the friendships that matter to us.
I highly recommend picking up a copy of Friendships Don’t Just Happen for yourself, sister, mom, or friend.
Here’s to healthier fuller female friendships! Thank you Shasta!

Domonique– THANK YOU!!! What an honor to be featured on your blog! Thanks for all you do to keep promoting healthy friendships! xoxox