In case you may be new around here, you may not know that I am a nut about food. I love to grow, prepare and eat fresh healthy delicious food. I love to share it with friends and family, but mostly, I love to share this joy with my kids. Sound a little contradictory, it certainly can be.
I’ve joined up with the ladies at Prescribe Nutrition again for another one of their programs, this time focussed on kids and family. After a truly amazing summer of travel and fun, we are all going to need a reset in our habits from bedtime routines to eating habits. Teaming up with Prescribe Nutrition makes me feel just that, like we are a team. In fact, many of my local + internet friends, you too are part of this team. You share your recipes and inspire me with fresh ideas to bring to our family table.
If resetting your family’s eating habits from the haphazard, albeit enjoyable ways of summer is just what you are looking for, then join me for two weeks of cleaning up our mealtimes with Prescribe Nutrition.
A Bowl Full of Simple readers get a 20% discount when you register for Kids Rule. Their next Kids Rule starts August 11th – Simply use the code bowl 20 when you sign up. You will be so glad you did! To read more about the Kids Rule program and to register with your 20% discount, click here.