I don’t know about you all, but my summer annuals are spent!
In my front yard I have 2 little built in planters at the base of the walkway. I keep things real simple. (Are you getting my style yet?) simple! I planted a boxwood topiary in the center of the square which stays there year after year.
At the base of the boxwood is where I put in seasonal color. This fall I picked up a flat of pansies, Pure Red (which are more of a burgundy) and Panola Clear Mix that includes red, orange, yellow + white flowers. These will be planted around the boxwood.
On my front porch I have 2 similar pots that are just a bit smaller. These have a rosemary topiary in the center. Same idea with a little fragrance as you enter the house.
I do the same thing here. The rosemary stays year round and the new annuals bring in some seasonal color. These plantings will last until Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving I’ll swap the pansies out for something for the holidays.
So simple.

Love it, and the nudge to change my pots, which I have been watering and feeling guilty for just how sad they are beginning to look! I love pansies, both because they are so cheerful, but also because if you pinch them back, they will last until late spring (here in California) and then go dormant, only to reappear again in the fall. The same is true of Cyclamen, which many treat as annuals- if you just leave them be, and plant your other annuals around them, they will come back to you! After the art show this weekend, I am going to tackle my poor neglected pots, and the rest of my house…xo
thank you charlie. hope you sell all your beautiful pieces!
I’m so excited! I have been waiting for this post! Off to RR tomorrow to make it happen – “Bowl Full of Simple” Style!
thank you! Send me a pic when you are all done! can’t wait to see them.
I need some planting help in a big way! I love the boxwood topiary idea. I need something that will stay year round. My issue is that my front porch gets almost no sunlight. Your rosemary plant is gorgeous!
Thank you for your sweet comment. A boxwood could tolerate less sun than the rosemary. Good Luck!
The picture of your front doorway shows how warm & inviting is your home.
Wonder what suggestions you would make for mine?
I have been browsing your site for a bit now…so I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your beautiful ideas .xo
Thank you for your sweet note! I’m glad you are enjoying A Bowl Full of Simple!
Love your potting! Unfortunately I live in Western PA and we’re batting down the hatches for the upcoming storm and then Fall/Winter weather so I will have to remember this for Spring!