What are you curious about in 2015? What to learn a new craft, sport, cooking technique. How about a language, how to write a ebook, or play the ukelele? You can find a class for just about anything that interests you on Curious.com. I was asked to participate in a fun night with Curious last month. It was held at the Sunset Magazine Headquaters right here in Menlo Park. The destination was enough to peak my interest for this invitation as I have been a card holding Sunset Magazine loyalist literally my entire life. I remember having copies of their magazines and books around as a child. I was thrilled to see the inside of this California icon. But I was also, well, curious about Curious.com. Their offices are located across the street from Sunset Magazine which is in a historic Cliff May building. We started the evening with a tour of the Sunset offices including the famous test kitchens which are strategically set up to resemble a home kitchen.
The evening was a perfect match. Sunset has a their own channel of Sunset Seminars on Curious helping people learn more about everything from container gardening and wine selecting to perfecting your outdoor grilling. We were presented with a mini course on wine tasting that included wine editor, Sara Schneider’s picks for affordable holiday wines – score! We also had a fun mini course on jewelry making with The O’Neil Sisters who are so talented and equally fun. They taught me how to make a necklace. Yes, apparently even I can make a pretty necklace. Word of caution though, it’s advised to do jewelry making before wine tasting!
A really fun night for all the media invited, but more importantly, Curious.com is a terrific website with so much to share with the world. Maybe you have something to teach others. You can hop onboard as an instructor, make a video and hold your own Curious classes. Either way, with more than 10,000 videos and classes you are sure to find something that strikes you. There are tons of classes for kids too, like DIY crafts, learn to speak Spanish or play the piano, drawing or sewing for beginners. Their courses range from coding to cake decorating with as many business/technical courses as fun + crafty ones to suit any need. I will definitely be taking a few courses from Curious in 2015.
What do you want to learn this year? Here’s a fun idea, give the gift of learning. I have gift for you too! A $25 credit for any course on Curious.com just for A Bowl Full of Simple Readers. What are you Curious about this year?
Top image | Amy for Using Our Words (great read!)

I loved sharing in this experience with you. I plan to take some of the fiction writing classes to test out Curious.com…I’ll let you know how it goes!