Baby Shower

by domonique on September 3, 2013

in motherhood

a bowl full of simple

I’m going to my first baby shower in what seems like a forever.  Other than books and clothes what are some of the hot new items for mom and babe these days?

Here are a few things I’m thinking about for my sweet friend and her new baby boy.

Freshly Picked makes the sweetest baby mocs around.  They have been spotted on many celeb babes and come in such a gorgeous variety of colors it’s hard to choose just one!  These are great for both boys and girls. Check out their website for more images of kids from 0-2 wearing this fashion-forwards mocs.

Aden and Anais organic muslin swaddles are the best for wrapping baby.  I am a huge believer in swaddling babies.  My 3rd was swaddled until 8 months old!  It works people, and no they don’t like it at first, but they sleep and that’s what important.

Haba wooden toys are so simple and beautiful without any of the harsh chemicals that go into making plastic toys.  A wooden ring is a newborn essential.

Baby in a Bag, yup! that’s the name of this sleep sack.  I found it back in 2004 when my oldest had out grown the swaddle and other smaller sleep sacks.  He was actually in one of these til he was almost 4!  The winter versions are like sleeping snuggled in a down comforter.  They are cozy and safe.

a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple




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