4th of July

by domonique on June 29, 2012

in parties and holidays, travel and family

The 4th of July is one of my favorite days of the year. We are usually too busy having fun outside to fuss about making red, white, and blue jello molds or fancy patriotic bunting, but I do have some simple ideas to help celebrate the day! Children’s Books are a family tradition around here. Just when I think my older children are outgrowing them, they surprise me. Now, my oldest is reading to the baby! Looks like our family books will be out again this year after all. Decorating our wheels is another fun tradition. Bikes, strollers, scooters, you name it! They’ll be all set for the bike parade. I’ve also included our favorite non-patriotic song for the 4th of July, an easy buffet table, and an alternative to fireworks! Happy Birthday America!

Children’s Books
The Story of America’s Birthday

The Story of the Star Spangled Banner

Hooray for the 4th of July

Good Night America

Activities and Crafts
The morning of the 4th of July the kids spend hours decorating their bikes, scooters, or strollers for the bike parade. You can use anything you can find that’s red, white, or blue. Streamers, crepe paper, balloons, pinwheels, bells, ribbon, flags, or stickers.

Try these finger lights as a safe colorful alternative this year. Nothing is the same as a good old fashioned sparkler, but these are so much fun in the dark (and last a lot longer too)!

The Feast
A buffet table is typically as festive as I get at the 4th of July. Like I said, too much summer fun to be had outdoors to worry about fancy food or decorations. These two fun ideas are too simple not to share.

Pinwheels in a tall bucket. Couldn’t be simpler.
If you don’t have a white bucket, try a vase or galvanized pail. The pinwheels could easily be swapped with flags for a similar look.
It’s easy, it’s colorful, and I don’t have to make anything – so simple.

I love mason jars. It seems like they are popping up everywhere these days.
For the buffet, take a mason jar (or a red solo) and fill with everything your guests will need to eat. This sample uses bandanas, but any red, white, or blue napkin will work. Put them all on a galvanized tray and your buffet is ready for your feast!

Remember – keep it simple!

Finally, add this Fourth of July song by Robert Earl Keen to your playlist this year and Enjoy!

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