I rather prefer when Thanksgiving is not quite so late in the month of november. It gives me some breathing room between Thanksgiving and December 1st when I always seem to have a minor freak out that Christmas is coming and I don’t want to rush it. I love December and like to have as much organized and prepared so that I can soak up all that we love and enjoy about the advent season.
Today I’m sharing some simple ideas for getting yourself all organized and feeling like a rock star cruising into December without getting your tinsel in a tangle!
In order for me to truly be able to enjoy all the special moments of the holiday season, I do my best to be as organized as possible in advance of December 1st. This affords me a couple of things:
1. The ability to find things that we need quickly.
2. To make good choices for how to spend my time.
3. To be present with my family + friends during this special time of the year.
The first thing I do every year is pull out my “Christmas Folder.” Stop rolling your eyes! It’s really no more than a manilla folder with magazine tear-outs for gift ideas or recipes and a few lists from years past. I review its contents and add new items I’ve been thinking about for this year. A few years ago I put two lists in e-format. The first is a list of things we like to do during the holiday season. The other is a list of people that we buy or make gifts for each year. After updating these, I start one last list – The Big To-Do list. Writing everything down is essential for me. Not only does it keep all my ideas in one place, I believe my brain actually remembers things better when I’ve physically written them down.
Things we like to do
This list has changed over the years as we had more kids and as they get older. It includes our annual trip to the tree farm in the mountains with a picnic of soup and hot cocoa. Our tradition of reading The Christmas Story by the fireside. Family walks after dinner to look at holiday lights in our neighborhood. Lighting our Advent Wreath + Candles. Family movies to watch or performances we like to attend. This list also includes dates for our ‘official outdoor lighting’ and annual cookie baking day. As well as what this year’s volunteer project will be. I also include here more basic items like the amount of cards we ordered last year, a reminder to buy christmas jammies and a holiday outfit for the kids, update my address list, and order gift wrapping.
Each year I say that I am going to keep gift giving simple and this year will be no different. It’s no secret how commercial Christmas can be and that each year I strive to minimize the focus on receiving and ‘wanting’ and place more focus on time together and giving to others. I’ve started talking to my older two about their 4 gifts this year. Informally, I’ve been in the habit of thinking about gifts in terms of a book, an outfit, a fun ‘want’, and a fun ‘need.’ And I guess I’m not alone, seems others are doing the same!
I also take great pleasure in making a handmade gift each year. I’ve made everything from hot cocoa kits, jams, truffles, chocolate bark and candy sticks to soaps, candles, plants, notecards and tea towels. For more gift ideas, you can take a peek at my gift idea board on pinterest.
I hope these tips helps you feel like you can get organized so you can slow down time with your favorite people during the month of December reflecting on what it is we are really celebrating.
*parts of this post were originally published November 2012
image credit: noel nordique

I’d love to hear about some of the volunteer projects you’ve done / would recommend. I’ve been trying to find something that works for our family and I think the older ones are finally at an age where they’ll ‘get it’. Tx!
Hi amy, that is a great question. We have had parties where we ask guests to contribute either in kind or in $. We have delivered gifts to local shelters and aid centers through church. Kids have brought in their “Sharing Jars” to donate to homeless families. You can start as young as you like even with “angel” type programs that many schools and churches offer. This year now that the kids are getting a little older we are participating in the Samaritan House Family Sharing Program where we meet and shop for members of a family including their holiday meal. We deliver these as a family to them directly. Last year we started Random Acts of Christmas Kindness which was a really fun and funny way to get the kids thinking about little ways to spread joy!Hope these ideas help.