Taking a food styling and photography class with Béa Peltre is like spending time amongst true beauty. From the moment we each gathered, Béa was warm and encouraging. She is passionate about food, photography, and the people she shares it with, which set the tone for the weekend in the very first moments. We started the 2 day workshop (of my dreams) at the Mc Carren Farmer’s Market in Brooklyn, NY. A small neighborhood market bursting with beautiful bounty. Our first task was to walk the market while taking pictures as we are inspired to do so. The focus was on tomatoes, but I quickly became side tracked by all the vibrant colors and shapes on display.
After picking up all the items we needed for lunch and for our food styling lesson, we went back to the loft that is the home of Sunday Suppers. Karen Mordechai is the creator of the very successful Sunday Suppers that was hosting our workshop for the weekend. {More on Sunday Suppers to come, it really deserves a post on its own.} While we met with Béa and learned more from her about food photography, the gals at Sunday Suppers prepared a breathtaking meal, it was equally a treat for the senses. And as what happens whenever you get a food blogger around a beautiful meal (let alone all 12 of us), we spent 20 minutes taking photographs before any one of us took a single bit. Classic.
Following lunch was a session on food styling. Béa showed us how her process works from start to finish. From selecting her props, garnishing the meal, and styling it in a way that turns into a gorgeous photograph. Then it was our turn. She whipped up some summer gazpacho is what seemed like a flash. Our assignment was to use the yellow and red gazpachos and any of the props to create our own masterpiece. At first I was paralyzed, where do I begin? As with everything, you start with the very first step and let it unfold. By the end of the day I had 1200 photos on my memory card. We finished the day, wondering around Williamsburg with our heads full of inspiration and information overload. {Williamsburg post forthcoming, what a fascinating neighborhood.} The next morning we were to have one photo sent in for the group to critique. When I downloaded all my images I was stunned that some of them were mine!
A few tips from an experienced pro can go a long way. Thank you Béa. It was a pleasure to work with you in so many ways. You are such a delight. The whole weekend is an experience I will never forget. A environment was created by you and the ladies at Sunday Suppers of which collaboration was paramount. I met lovely professionals that I will continue to keep in touch with thanks to your spirit and enthusiasm which shined through all weekend long.
All image credit // a bowl full of simple * styling of image with bread board // the aesthete and the dilettante * styling of gazpacho in pink bowl // la tartine gourmande

Holy wow, these are gorgeous! What a fantastic experience, thanks for sharing the eye candy!