Baseball Birthday Party

by domonique on January 24, 2014 · 3 comments

in parties and holidays, travel and family

One thing I’ve learned having three kids is that you cannot assume any child will be any certain way.  No matter how much you may wish they were more this or more that, the mold is set.  Every beautiful being on earth is their own person.  This has never been truer to me than watching my third child grow.  She is resourceful, resilient, hilarious, and sweet.

She is also not interested in much of the “girly” aspects of being a girl.  She prefers to wear blue.  She refuses to wear anything frilly.  She would choose Spiderman over Cinderella any day.  And for her 4th birthday, she asked for a baseball party.  You really cannot argue with a child that knows who they are and what they want regardless of what those around her presuppose her to be.  Actually, it is all you want them to be – happy and confident.

And so, for her 4th birthday, she got just what she wanted – A Baseball Birthday and a Blue Cake!

a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple

The winner of My Favorite Things Giveaway, who happened to be a local reader, was so grateful that she sent me a dozen of these adorable mini mason jar drinking glasses.  I added the blue + red striped paper straws to coordinate with the colorful trays for the dinner table.  The jars and trays were a hit with all the 4 year olds.  Thank you Jenny, for your thoughtfulness!

a bowl full of simple

We had little uniform for each of the kids with a big number 4 on the back of course!  We played a game of baseball which was hilariously funny to watch.  Melinda was one happy little girl.  Look at her go!

a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple
a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple

And then, a blue cake for the birthday girl per her request.

a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple

Happy Birthday sweet one.  I love your spirit.  May you always know exactly what you want and what makes you happy.  You sure have taught me to strive for the same.  Happy #4.

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1 Nancy January 25, 2014 at 7:58 pm

Love the spirit you capture in these pictures! And yes, it is so true and it feels so good when you know you are recognizing and respecting your child’s uniqueness – as you have done here!

2 domonique February 24, 2014 at 10:57 am

Thank you Nancy. She sure is a little spitfire.

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