Alligator Pie

by domonique on June 23, 2012 · 6 comments

in food and drink

Let me start by saying that I am not a pie maker! I love the idea of making pies, but am seriously challenged with rolling out a pie crust. Having said that, one of my favorite things to do every fall is bake an apple pie. Even if it looks weird, it’s always delicious and a treasured family tradition nonetheless. I’ve never actually made a pie any other time of year. EVER! Why would I with Ikeda’s right on the way to our family’s favorite summer spot. They have amazing fresh pies, hot out of the oven that are truly summer in a box.

But this summer, for who knows what reason, I’ve been dreaming about Strawberry-Rhubarb pie. Don’t ask. I did my research and this is the one I’m going with this weekend

It looks awesome. Notice it has a lattice top, not by accident. I figure if I only have to roll out one pie crust and that one is on the bottom, I may have half a shot at getting mine to look reasonably appealing. This is a Martha Stewart recipe. Typically I would not use a Martha Stewart recipe. They tend to be overly complicated with far too many ingredients or steps. Who really has 6 hrs. to make this pie? I figured I’d give it a try as the filling only has 5 ingredients. How difficult could this be? To save on time (and my growing anxiety about pie crust), I will likely buy a pre-made pie shell as well. Afterall, I am a simple gal.

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1 Tamara June 23, 2012 at 12:15 pm

I’m currently obsessed with pies so the timing of your post is ironic. Could be all the fresh berries and u-pick places. Martha Stewart’s recipes may be too intense but I have to say that her crust recipe looks, dare I say it, simple. I have a crust recipe that’s super easy but you have to be a butter gal.

Enjoying your blog!

2 Trish June 24, 2012 at 9:43 am

I’m sure your pie will be a masterpiece. If the family leaves any, a drop of your yogurt (or ice cream?) on top and you’ll have a Cobbler.

3 Wendy July 4, 2012 at 5:07 am

I love strawberry rhubarb pie! If you have The Martha Stewart Cookbook that was published years ago, use the crust recipe that is part butter and part crisco. The butter gives it great flavor and the crisco makes it flaky. And it comes together in seconds in the cuisinart. I am sure you will do beautifully!

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